Thursday, May 05, 2005

SAFE Brings School Supplies To Sudan

Now that you know what the All African (Self Help) Bazaar is and how it works, we are going to get down to brass tacks. Today I am going to post some information about an organization that is involved in trying to help improve the Quality of Life of Africans by collecting and delivering books to people in The Sudan. The name of the organization is “SAFE.”

SAFE (SUDAN-AMERICAN FOUNDATION FOR EDUCATION, INC.) is an organization that, seeks to improve educational opportunities for children and youth in the Sudan by delivering donated books, equipment, and other educational materials needed by schools, colleges, universities and libraries in Sudan.

SAFE is a joint effort by both Americans and Sudanese educators, business people, public officials and other concerned individuals. It was begun in 1985 and since that time has been supported and operated jointly by Americans and Sudanese.

SAFE has no paid staff, and all work is carried out by volunteers in both Sudan and the U.S.

SAFE seeks to acquire books and other educational materials that meet the specific needs identified by Sudanese librarians and educators so that efforts and resources are not wasted collecting and shipping resources that are not appropriate.

SAFE also tries to maximize the use of donated services in order to reduce the expense of carrying out its project so as to maximize the effectiveness of the funds collected from the public and to make the operation as cost effective as possible.

SAFE is a non-profit, tax-exempt [501(c) (3)] organization and has:

Obtained donations of books, journals, and educational equipment and supplies worth more than $2.5 million.

Sent 28 shipments of donated material to Sudan, whose contents were distributed to more than 40 universities, colleges and libraries.

Delivered over 191,000 books and nearly 70,000 issues of scientific, medical, and scholarly journals and a variety of equipment (computers, CD-ROM drives and discs, typewriters, calculators) and supplies. [Data obtained from the SAFE Website]

The SAFE website can be found at:

Well, now that you know who they are, what they do and where you can find them, why don’t you check out their web site and while you’re at it, Show Them Some Love.

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